It is important to keep it in the back of your head, but not make it dictate your unit composition. It’s your unit’s ability to sustain combat. Infantry and variants have a lot of this because they are many, while armor has very little. HP (hitpoints): How much damage your unit can take during combat. Max Speed: The base maximum speed a unit can go, this value is usually lower due to terrain and infrastructure modifiers, however certain things increase this such as engineers. Universally speaking, higher values are better except for Weight, Supply Use and Combat Width. The stats may change based on your national ideas or completed researches. These are the stats for the 7 Infantry – 2 Artilery division from above. The Stats Screen and Base Statsīase Stats, Combat Stats are Equipment Cost located on the right side of the division template. An example would be elite divisions only using the latest weapons and reserve divisions using the oldest. – Each division template can receive specific types of equipment if multiple types are available. Elite divisions will be prioritized for better equipment, followed by regular divisions and finally reserves. – A division template may be specified as reserve, regular, or elite.

– A division may have any number of the same unit type for battalions, but only one of each unit type for support companies. – Adding a battalion of a different unit type (infantry, mobile, or armored) adds a penalty of 20 XP per additional unit type.

– It costs 5 XP to add a battalion to a division, regardless if it is the same or new regiment. – Each combat regiment is composed of up to 5 battalions.

– Each division consists of up to 5 combat regiments and 5 support companies. You can manually choose which divisions you consider to be elite, normal or backup. The 3 Arrows: Red is for backup units, they are the last to receive quality equipment, white is for normal units, and yellow is for elite units, they are the first to receive quality equipement (new weapons or of you’re lacking equipment they will be the first one to be filled). Reset: Reset the edits you’ve made but haven’t saved.ĭuplicate: Create another division template just like this one without spending army experience, useful if you want to make a new division template while still keeping this one. Here is an example of a 7 Infantry – 2 Artilery division template: Recruit & Deploy: Then click “Edit” on the desired division. You can edit division templates by going to: